GINOIL™ - L ymphatic Ginger Essential Oil (30ml)



A Natural Way To R elieve Body P ain & S wollen Muscle!

Powerful herbal r elief for your body! Ginger essential oil is a natural solution for l ymphatic d rainage, e dema, spider v eins and v aricose v eins. 100% extracted from the ginger root, improving your well being by r elieving s welling & p ain with its warming and anti-i nflammatory properties, It also aids in d etoxification; p urging and c leansing body i mpurities.

Ginger Oil Essence has been used for long to reduce body p ain! It is one of the most used natural products in many countries that helps a lot in a rthritis, s ciatica, joint p ain, f rozen shoulder, l ymphatic d rainage, s welling problems and etc!

The Ginger Oil Essence also functions as a muscle r elaxer. It feels great when applied liberally over muscles after a long workout or a s tressful day at the office, especially for those who are forced into a sedentary lifestyle.

Why Choose Our Ginger Oil Essence?

  • It contains 90% concentrated ginger oil, it can help reduce p rostaglandins, which are the compounds associated with p ain.
  • Helps reduce water r etention and break down the buildup of t oxins and h armful f at deposits in the body.
  • Attributed to its anti-i nflammatory, d igestive, e xpectorant, a ntiseptic, c arminative, a nalgesic, and s timulating properties.
  • M enstrual Cramps: Ginger Oil is well-known to help anyone suffering from m enstrual cramps. Just add a few drops to a warm bath for a s oothing and p ain-relieving bath or massage it directly on the b elly.
  • Post-S urgery S welling: Whether it is a sports-related s urgery or plastic s urgery, it is very important to reduce the s welling and i nflammation to speed up the h ealing process.  Ginger Oil can effectively reduce s welling and p ain associated with s urgical procedures to speed up r ecovery (just be sure to not use it directly on an open w ound, a djacent areas)


 Rapidly reduces L ymphatic s welling
✅ Unblocks c logged l ymph n odes
✅ Improves body i mmunity
✅ Decreases s wollen g lands and i nflammation after any kind of i njury
✅ Helps reduce a dipose t issue and f at cells by stimulating e xpulsion of w aste products and t oxins

How to Use?

  1. USE the oil for 1-2 times daily for l ymphatic d rainage, focusing on areas around neck, knees, and armpits if necessary
  2. MASSAGE: Take 2-3 drops in the palm and gently massage the affected part. Massage until oil is completely absorbed
  3. FACIAL T REATMENT: Take 2-5 drops of essential oil and add to toner/lotion/cream for daily face care
  4. HAIR CARE: 4-5 drops into water to wash the hair, or toss in the shampoo and conditioner used or directly apply to scalp and massage it at least 15 minutes before washing hair
  5. Applying It after a warm bath is recommended for p ain relief.


  • Active Ingredients: Ginger Oil, Ginger Root Extracts, Jojoba Seed Oil
  • Package includes (1) 30ml Bottle
  • For external use only