LIFTER™ - Invisible Face L ift Sticker



Forever younger, instant F acelift with invisible stickers. 
Best F acelift secret!!

Do you think your face is not S haped enough? If so, then try LIFTER™ that Gives you a V-face without having to u ndergo cosmetic s urgery.
Try this simple self-test: Looking in a mirror, place index fingers in front of your ears, and thumbs at the end of your jaw, then push s kin upward and back. Do you like what you see? That is what Instant face and neck l ift will do for you! 
Cosmetic s urgery r esults without the p ain and expense. Instant Face and Neck L ift is simple to use, and you will get g uaranteed r esults. You will look years younger instantly and feel great.

Instant face and neck l ift will take years off your appearance in just a few minutes. Not only will you look younger, but you will also feel great. This face and neck l ift system will l ift s agging s kin, e liminate w rinkles from your face, neck jaw, and eye area. No one will know your secret! Instant face and neck L ift is the solution.

After extensive testing, LIFTER™ was developed to be highly effective, easy to use, and unnoticeable. It is ideal to use for special everyday use, occasions, weddings, reunions, modeling, picture taking, travel, etc.


  • L ifts and t ightens s aggy s kin instantly
  • Easy to apply
  • Long-lasting
  • Eliminates w rinkles 
  • M edical grade
  • Latex-free
  • Breathable
  • H ypoallergenic


Thickness: 0.02mm thickness
Color: Transparent
Quantity: 80 pcs
Suitable for all s kin shapes: Yes
Waterproof: Yes
Lasts up to 10 hours